
Monster legends legendary
Monster legends legendary

  • Myrmidons ( Greek) – Warriors created from ants by Zeus.
  • monster legends legendary

    Mothman ( American cryptid) – Man with moth wings and features.Khepri ( Ancient Egyptian) – Beetle who pushes the sun.Jorōgumo ( Japanese) – Ghost woman who shapeshifts into a spider.Gold-digging ant ( Greek) - Reported by Herodotus to live in either Ethiopia or Indian subcontinent.Carbuncle ( Chilote) – one of its many descriptions is a greenish-red fiery light reminiscent of fireflies.Arachne ( Greek) – Weaver cursed into a spider.Anansi ( West African) – Trickster spider.Tangie ( Scottish) - Shapeshifting sea water horse.Nuggle ( Scottish) - Mischievous male water horse.Nuckelavee (Orcadian) - Skinless oceanic water horse with pestilent breath.Nixie ( Germanic) - Shapeshifting water being, known for appearing as horses.Morvarc'h ( Breton) - Legendary horse that could gallop on the waves.Ichthyocentaurs ( Greek) Upper body of a man, the lower front of a horse, tail of a fish.Hippocampus ( Greek) - Horse with a fish tail.Enbarr ( Irish) - Manann's horse, capable of traversing land and sea.Each-uisge ( Scottish) - Malevolent shapeshifting oceanic water horse.Water Horse - General name for mythical water dwelling horses of many cultures.

    monster legends legendary

    Water bull ( Scottish) - Nocturnal amphibious bull.Selkie ( Scottish) - Shapeshifting seal people.Sea goat ( Greek) - Half goat, half fish.Makara ( Hindu mythology) - half terrestrial animal in the frontal part (stag, deer, or elephant) and half aquatic animal in the hind part (usually of a fish, a seal, or a snake, though sometimes a peacock or even a floral tail is depicted).Glashtyn ( Celtic) - Horse goblin from the sea.Encantado ( Brazilian) – shapeshifting trickster dolphins.Devil Whale ( English) – Whale capable of swallowing ships.

    monster legends legendary

    Cetus ( Greek) - a monster with the head of a boar or a greyhound, the body of a whale or dolphin, and a divided, fan-like tail.

    Monster legends legendary